’Idál, 12 Jalál (Glory), 179 B.E


All the difference two weeks and rain makes: rhubarb leaves (Rheum hybridum) — a study in green on green ;-)


A colleague sent me the link to Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism’s Imminent Demise by Nafeez Ahmed. I included it in today’s GAVNet News. I also made the following observations in my response to the sender:

A thought-provoking article to be sure. Add to the list of woes Mr. Ahmed wrote about 3 ½ years ago a global pandemic; a conflict with global consequences raging in Eastern Europe; masses of people forced to migrate in an effort to simply survive; and an ongoing failure by the public and private sectors, regardless of political systems governing them, to stem the tide with global warming, certainly suggests that something (maybe everything!) must change if we are to get through this. And such change gets down to how we essentially regard one another. If we let “the system” define the “rules of engagement” we are to follow when interacting among all 8 billion of us, we’re hopelessly lost. So, yeah, we need to adopt new “convivial cultural tools” 1 2 based on the reality that we are ALL interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent. If we did that a new system with new rules would emerge that we could live with. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it ;-)


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How fitting, then, that the Bahá’í community’s collective tribute to its perfect Exemplar should form the prelude to its commencement of a major undertaking focused on the release of the society-building power of the Faith in ever-greater measures. The areas of endeavour that fall within the scope of the Nine Year Plan, and of the current series of Plans, are directed towards the fulfilment of this overarching objective. It is also the focus of the more than 10,000 conferences being held across the globe to mark the launch of this great spiritual enterprise. These conferences, expected to welcome unprecedented numbers of participants, are bringing together not only Bahá’ís but many other well-wishers of humanity who share with them a longing to foster unity and better the world. Their determination and strong sense of purpose are reflected in the spirit generated at the gatherings that have already occurred, where the participants have been galvanized as much by the dynamic consultations to which they have contributed as by the collective vision explored at these joyful events. We look with eager anticipation to what the coming months and years will bring. 3

  1. Illich, Ivan. “Tools For Conviviality.” Public Domain, 1973, 67. [return]
  2. Penfold, Louisa. “Ivan Illich on Tools That Support Conviviality.” Art. Play. Children. Learning. (blog), June 27, 2018. https://www.louisapenfold.com/tools-for-conviviality/. [return]
  3. Universal House of Justice. “Riḍván 2022 – To the Bahá’ís of the World.” Bahá’í Reference Library, April 20, 2022. https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/the-universal-house-of-justice/messages/20220421_001/1#987507525. [return]