18 November 2022
Istiqlál, 15 Qudrat (Power), 179 B.E
Look up!
Participated in the weekly Zoom call with Helen Stucky-Weaver and the Wellness Weavers “Inner Circle” group. Today’s session included Dr. Ameena Matthews. I learned quite a bit about her father, Jeff Fort, who remains incarcerated in the ADX Florence supermax prison. And along with it considerable insight into the deep-seated dynamics of persistent racial discrimination and social inequality.
Astral Prospecting on Instagram | Astral Prospecting on YouTube | Astral Prospecting on Facebook
Marc Bosserman on Instagram | Marc Bosserman on Facebook | Marc Bosserman Music and Musings on YouTube
John Cougar Mellencamp - Uh-Huh
Notes by Discogs.com
Jordan, Michael, and Mark Vancil. For the Love of the Game : My Story. New York : Crown Publishers, Inc., 1998. http://archive.org/details/forloveofgamemys00jord.
Frey, Robert J. “Stop Characterizing the Bankruptcy of FTX as a Black Swan!” Tweet. Twitter, November 18, 2022. https://twitter.com/financequant/status/1593620854805610496.
Mosquito Capital. “I’ve Seen a Lot of People Asking ‘Why Does Everyone Think Twitter Is Doomed?’” ThreadReader, November 18, 2022. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1593541177965678592.html.
On Commons / r3.0. “Agenda | R3.0 Conference 2022.” r3.0, September 6, 2022. https://conference2022.r3-0.org/agenda/#plenary2.
Plenary 2: Funding Governance for Systemic Transformation, 2022. https://vimeo.com/748042919.
Set up tables in Evernote notes to log “239 Days” postings made to Frameworks for Understanding the World
The teachings and ordinances of the divine religions are of two kinds. The first are spiritual and essential in nature—such as faith in God, faith in Christ, faith in Moses, faith in Abraham, faith in Muḥammad, the love of God and the oneness of the world of humanity. These divine principles shall be spread throughout the world. Strife and enmity shall disappear, ignorance, hatred and hostility cease and all the human race be bound together. The second kind of ordinances and teachings concern the outer conditions and transactions of the world of mankind. They are the nonessential, accidental or temporary laws of human affairs which are subject to change and transformation according to the exigencies of time and place. For instance, during the time of Moses divorce was permitted, but in the time of Christ it was made unlawful. In the Torah there are ten commandments concerning retribution for murder, which would not be possible to enforce at the present time and under existing conditions of the world. Therefore, these nonessential, temporary laws are superseded and abrogated to suit the exigencies and requirements of successive periods. 1
- ʻAbduʼl-Bahá. The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by ʻAbduʼl-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912. Edited by Howard MacNutt. 2nd ed. Wilmette, Ill: Baháʼí Publishing Trust, 1982, 445. https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/abdul-baha/promulgation-universal-peace/32#583494526 [return]