Istijlál, 12 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 179 B.E

Birth of the Bahá’u’lláh


My wonderful neighbor set out a few more mums of different colors.

I just had to take a photo of these!


Today is my daughter’s birthday. Her age and the last two digits of my birth year match — a variation of Beddia’s Theorem. I didn’t know that was a thing until I did a search on age and birth year match. And voilà!

Tony Budak and I had a Zoom call this afternoon. We looked at how Raising the Value of Learning (RVL) members could reach more audiences. In particular, we discussed using co-learning experiences to engage others. This led us to and the Discover Communities of Practice webpage. What they already have underway may work well for us! I’m going to take some courses in Foundations of Humane Technology to learn more. Look for my report later on…

Raked more leaves for about 30 minutes—enough to “earn” enough to meet my revised “exercise” goal. And I didn’t have to adjust the goal downward ;-)


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There are some who believe that the divine bounties are subject to cessation. For example, they think that the revelation of God, the effulgence of God and the bounties of God have ended. This is self-evidently a mistaken idea, for none of these is subject to termination. The reality of Divinity is like unto the sun, and revelation is like unto the rays thereof. If we should assert that the bounties of God are not everlasting, we are forced to believe that Divinity can come to an end, whereas the reality of Divinity enfolds all virtues and by reason of these bounties is perfect. Were it not possessed of all these perfections or virtues, it could not be Divinity. The sun is the sun because of its rays, light and heat. If it could be dispossessed of them, it would not be the sun. Therefore, if we say that the divinity or sovereignty of God is accidental and subject to termination, we must perforce think that Divinity itself is accidental, without foundation and not essential.

God is the Creator. The word creator presupposes or connotes creation. God is the Provider. The word provider implies recipients of provision. Another name for the Creator is the Resuscitator, which demands the existence of creatures to be resuscitated. If He be not the Provider, how could we conceive of creatures to receive His bounty? If He be not the Lord, how could we conceive of subjects? If He be not the Knower, how could we conceive of those known? If we should say that there was a time in past ages when God was not possessed of His creation or that there was a beginning for the world, it would be a denial of creation and the Creator. Or if we should declare that a time may come when there will be a cessation of divine bounties, we should virtually deny the existence of Divinity. It is as though man should conceive of a king without country, army, treasury and all that constitutes sovereignty or kingdom. Is it possible to conceive of such a sovereign? A king must be possessed of a dominion, an army and all that appertains to sovereignty in order that his sovereignty may be a reality. It is even so with the reality of Divinity which enfolds all virtues. The sovereignty thereof is everlasting, and the creation thereof is without beginning and without end. 1

  1. ʻAbduʼl-Bahá. The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by ʻAbduʼl-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912. Edited by Howard MacNutt. 2nd ed. Wilmette, Ill: Baháʼí Publishing Trust, 1982, 377-378. [return]