Istiqlál, 11 Mashíyyat (Will), 179 B.E


Two giant foxtail seed heads drooping onto mock strawberries that have taken over this section of the yard.

It just looked cool to me …


Added more content in my ongoing exchange with Tony Budak (a person much-appreciated for his seemingly infinite patience) in the Slack group, “Raising the Value of Learning.” I’ve titled it…

Narrative of the Twin Economies

Both the Monetary Economy and the Core Economy are tools developed by humans. Like any tool, economies are amoral. And like any tool, how humans in a social system use it gives it moral value.

The Monetary Economy is a tool to help human systems manage limited resources. No one can do everything they want to do when they want to do it. Trade-offs ensue. Competition heats up. Some win, but most lose. Greed and fear dominate. And if access to basic needs is at stake, one’s survival is at risk if one doesn’t play the game.

The Core Economy is a tool to help human systems develop and deploy the value of each member. A shared human genome places EVERYONE in the same game of life. A shared human spirit interconnects EVERYONE with EVERYONE else. A shared human conscience holds EVERYONE accountable for one’s thoughts, words, and deeds. Our purpose is to render service to humanity and assure the delivery of basic needs.

Today, the Monetary Economy plays a predominant role in the delivery of basic needs. The return on investment is REALLY good. But what if more responsibility for basic needs shifted to the Core Economy? After all, it would reinforce (1) “everyone is an asset.” It would (4) “build community.” It would (3) “make reciprocity visible” within those communities. It would give people an opportunity to (2) “redefine work to include the “core” economy.” And it would (5) “foster respect” among community members. These happen to be the five core values of timebanking established by Dr. Edgar Cahn.

Questions to consider:

  • How does the human social system benefit if the Core Economy delivers basic needs?
  • What disadvantages impact society if the Monetary Economy no longer delivers basic needs?
  • How do we shift responsibility for basic needs to the Core Economy and not rile the Monetary Economy?

More to follow…


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It is a great happiness to be here this evening, especially for the reason that the members of this Association have come from the region of the Orient. For a long time I have entertained a desire to meet some of the Japanese friends. That nation has achieved extraordinary progress in a short space of time—a progress and development which have astonished the world. Inasmuch as they have advanced in material civilization, they must assuredly possess the capacity for spiritual development. For this reason, I have an excessive longing to meet them. Praise be to God! This pleasure is now afforded me, for here in this city I am face to face with a revered group of the Japanese. According to report the people of the Japanese nation are not prejudiced. They investigate reality. Wherever they find truth, they prove to be its lovers. They are not attached tenaciously to blind imitations of ancient beliefs and dogmas. Therefore, it is my great desire to discourse with them upon a subject in order that the unity and blending together of the nations of the East and the nations of the West may be furthered and accomplished. In this way religious, racial and political prejudice, partisan bias and sectarianism will be dispelled amongst men. Any kind of prejudice is destructive to the body politic. 1

  1. ʻAbduʼl-Bahá. The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by ʻAbduʼl-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912. Edited by Howard MacNutt. 2nd ed. Wilmette, Ill: Baháʼí Publishing Trust, 1982, 343. [return]