Fidál, 04 Asmá’ (Names), 179 B.E


Discovered canyon grape (Vitis arizonica) vines getting established in my “rock garden.” Being native to the Southwest, I don’t know how it made its way to Ohio, but it did:

Canyon grape can be found across the southwestern United States and in parts of Mexico. In Arizona, canyon grape grows most abundantly at elevations between 2,000 and 7,500 feet (source: SEINet) and is not often found outside these preferred elevations.

Fun fact: In Ohio, Vitis arizonica is considered a noxious weed. 1



Added more to the “time-based economy” paper:

Time underlies the flow of value within any economic system. Any human only has the duration of a lifetime to make choices, second by second, as to how that time is spent. The brain manages this “choice-making” and, depending the part of the brain involved, such choices range from totally involuntary to purely optional. 2 The point is that every second of one’s life one’s brain makes and acts upon those choices—it’s quite literally “sleep when you die” for the brain.

The only life form on the planet that consciously cares about this is humans. With the human brain front and center, each of us is a unique package of characteristics derived from nature and nurture 3 that gives us, Individually, unique capabilities, and distinguishes us, collectively, from all other species. That combination also endows every one of us with a human mind with which to investigate reality and understand conditions and circumstances; a human spirit to acknowledge our common humanity, communicate with others, and cooperate in the pursuit of knowledge; and a human soul with its conscience and connection to universal truths and wisdom from a higher power to determine how to use the knowledge gained.

Universally apportioned to 8 billion people worldwide, these characteristics provide humanity, as a whole, with unmatched capacity and unrivaled potential to assure everyone has access to basic needs and provide opportunities to enjoy a reasonable quality of life. Human value is a product of mind, spirit, and soul integrated with the higher level functioning of the brain. Given the brain is “on task” throughout one’s lifetime, the output of value is continuous. This relationship of time to how we think, communicate, experience, and adapt, moment to moment, establishes the rationale for a time-based economy that uses time as a currency to measure the identification, development and distribution of human value.

This paper just keeps growing—maybe I’ll get the first draft completed and posted to GAVNet News by the end of the week.


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Likewise, the divine bounties of the Sun of Reality are perpetual. Its light is forever shining. Its love is forever radiating. Its bounty never ceases. It could not be said that the power and effulgence of God was ever subject to cessation. It could not be claimed that the divinity of the Almighty One had come to an end. For the divinity of God is eternal. Therefore, the divine bounties—whether phenomenal and accidental or spiritual and ideal—are perpetual. 4

  1. Sofia, Anna. “Friday Flora Feature: Canyon Grape.” Sky Island Alliance, November 12, 2020. [return]
  2. Reference Staff Writer. “What Are the Primary Functions of the Brain?” Reference.Com (blog), March 29, 2020. [return]
  3. Perry, Cheyanne. “Nature vs. Nurture: Which Is More Important?”, April 17, 2020. [return]
  4. ʻAbduʼl-Bahá. The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by ʻAbduʼl-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912. Edited by Howard MacNutt. 2nd ed. Wilmette, Ill: Baháʼí Publishing Trust, 1982, 273. [return]