Istijlál, 12 ‘Núr (Light), 179 B.E


English ivy (Hedera helix) climbing up the front of the house

Makes for a fun study in shapes and contrasts…


Detroit: Day Five. My partner’s youngest brother left today on a trip that had been in the works months in advance. That leaves the three of us. We are emphasizing that if my brother-in-law wants to be by himself once more, he’ll need to establish a routine of daily hydration, eating, and taking prescribed medications. So far, that’s proven to be a formidable challenge. The problem may be that he just likes having us around ;-)


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This is a goodly temple and congregation, for—praise be to God!—this is a house of worship wherein conscientious opinion has free sway. Every religion and every religious aspiration may be freely voiced and expressed here. Just as in the world of politics there is need for free thought, likewise in the world of religion there should be the right of unrestricted individual belief. Consider what a vast difference exists between modern democracy and the old forms of despotism. Under an autocratic government the opinions of men are not free, and development is stifled, whereas in democracy, because thought and speech are not restricted, the greatest progress is witnessed. It is likewise true in the world of religion. When freedom of conscience, liberty of thought and right of speech prevail—that is to say, when every man according to his own idealization may give expression to his beliefs—development and growth are inevitable. Therefore, this is a blessed church because its pulpit is open to every religion, the ideals of which may be set forth with openness and freedom. For this reason I am most grateful to the reverend doctor; I find him indeed a servant of the oneness of humanity. 1

  1. ʻAbduʼl-Bahá. The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by ʻAbduʼl-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912. Edited by Howard MacNutt. 2nd ed. Wilmette, Ill: Baháʼí Publishing Trust, 1982, 197. [return]