Kamál, 17 Jalál (Glory), 179 B.E


Wild daffodils (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) and common blue violet (Viola sororia)


Observations today on human social behavior:

For decades we have become increasingly distant and disconnected from each other and the planet on which we live—the Bowling Alone phenomenon—kind of a self-centered, narcissistic “If I’m OK, that’s good enough” approach.

Now, we’re realizing more and more just how interdependent we are, all of us and everything. There IS a consequence to our thoughts, words, and actions. Indeed, what each of us does impacts everyone else.

And that realization (knowledge) carries with it quite a responsibility. It is my supposition that most people don’t want to take up the burden of such responsibility and they choose to remain ignorant or to be in denial.

But, as climate change impacts us more and more, the consequences of individual ignorance can no longer be swept under the rug. So meteorologists, 1 like many others in the scientific community, keep presenting evidence to the public that places the question of responsibility-taking directly in front of viewers.

Over time, people will “get it” and act responsibly. After all, it’s a matter of our collective survival! Let’s just hope there’s enough runway left in front of us …


Today is my grandson’s 15th birthday—HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

To start his day, I sent him this article: Book Recommendations by a 15 year old boy. I’m curious what changes he would make to the list given it’s four years old. I would add Rocket Boys by Homer Hickam to the list–it’s a good example of simply going where the road of life leads!

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Our joy at seeing the community of the Greatest Name go from strength to strength is tempered by our deep sorrow at seeing the persistence of conditions and conflicts in the world that create misery and desperate suffering—in particular, at observing the recrudescence of destructive forces that have disordered international affairs while visiting horrors upon populations. We know well and are reassured that, as Bahá’í communities have repeatedly demonstrated in many different contexts, the followers of Bahá’u’lláh are committed to offering relief and support to those around them, no matter how straitened their own circumstances. But until humanity as a whole undertakes to establish its affairs on foundations of justice and truth, it is, alas, fated to stagger from one crisis to another. We pray that, if the recent outbreak of war in Europe is to yield any lessons for the future, it will serve as an urgent reminder of the course that the world must take if it is to attain genuine and enduring peace. The principles enunciated by Bahá’u’lláh to the monarchs and presidents of His time, and the weighty responsibilities with which He charged rulers past and present, are perhaps even more pertinent and imperative today than when they were first recorded by His Pen. For Bahá’ís, the inexorable advance of the Major Plan of God—bringing with it ordeals and upheavals, but ultimately impelling humanity towards justice, peace, and unity—is the context within which the Minor Plan of God, with which the believers are chiefly occupied, unfolds. The dysfunctional state of present-day society makes the need for the release of the society-building power of the Faith abundantly clear and pressing. We cannot but expect that, for now, convulsions and disturbances will continue to afflict the world; you will no doubt appreciate, then, why every earnest supplication we offer for all God’s children to be relieved from bewilderment and bitter hardship is coupled with an equally heartfelt prayer for the success of the much-needed service you are rendering for the Cause of the Prince of Peace. 2

  1. Sinclair, Peter. “7 TV Meteorologists Discuss Their Coverage of Climate Change and Weather.” Yale Climate Connections, April 24, 2022. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/04/7-tv-meteorologists-discuss-their-coverage-of-climate-change-and-weather/. [return]
  2. Universal House of Justice. “Riḍván 2022 – To the Bahá’ís of the World.” Bahá’í Reference Library, April 20, 2022. https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/the-universal-house-of-justice/messages/20220421_001/1#987507529. [return]