Fidál, 09 Bahá (Splendor), 179 B.E


Even the flowering crabapple under gray skies begins to look like a cerebral angiogram


My partner and I divided up today — she went to the hospital for day 4 with her brother while I attempted to make a dent in the backlog of chores on the home front. It’s difficult to know which one of us was more successful, but we got through it.


Astral Prospecting on Instagram and Astral Prospecting on Facebook

Marc Bosserman on Instagram Marc Bosserman on Facebook, and Marc Bosserman Music and Musings on YouTube - When I See You Again

And Marc’s a darned good photographer, too!

Tab’s Galaxy on YouTube - ASMR Hand motions with Rubber gloves🧤 | No Talking


Baha’i Conferences

At this time of rapid change in society, Baha’is around the world are hosting gatherings to come together to talk about building vibrant communities. These worldwide conferences will be taking place in localities in every part of the world. The conferences will help us to clarify our vision of the world we want to create, look at how far we have come in that process, how we can address current needs, including the need for transformative education for all ages, and how we can work together for the transformation of our society.

Anyone who is eager to work together for lasting change is welcome.

While the work is serious, it is also joyful. We will learn from each other, celebrating our oneness while valuing diverse perspectives, and sharing ideas. All ages are welcome.

Raising Capacities: Empowering Individuals and Communities

The Baha’i teachings provide a vision of one, interconnected human family that shares one precious homeland; a vision of communities of common purpose that recognize the power of unity to heal and to transcend. What does that vision look like in practice? How do we take steps together to make it a reality? This is the focus of a wave of conferences that are happening around the world. Baha’is and their friends, people of all backgrounds, are coming together in a joyful, spirit filled atmosphere to learn together about raising our capacity to build vibrant communities.

Gather with family and friends to share: a positive vision for America and humanity; characteristics of vibrant communities; central role of education for children, youth and adults; empowerment for personal and community development. 1

  1. “Baha’i Conferences.” Radio Baha’i 90.9 FM, [return]