’Idál, 02 Sultán (Sovereignty), 178 B.E.


Lookin’ out my front door …


Conversations with Bill Fulkerson and Tony Budak

  • Because of the unique characteristics of the human genome, EVERYONE has value as expressed by their thoughts, words, and actions which they present each and every day throughout their lives.
  • There is a direct relationship between the value of one’s thoughts, words, and actions and the time consumed generating them: more time consumed, more value generated.
  • The challenge is how to credit each person for the time lapsed generating thoughts, words, and actions and allowing them to be digitized and uploaded IN EXCHANGE for guaranteed, daily receipt of basic needs, at a minimum, AND access to the means by which each can fulfill their particular purpose in life?
  • How can timebank networks initiate and facilitate broader-based learning processes about and direct experiences with exchange systems of time for basic needs and quality of life?
  • Active timebanks wherein one can further the development of these processes and gain experience with their applications include:

More to add; details to follow …


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Tab’s Galaxy on YouTube


The Bahá’í Movement is now well known throughout the world, and the time has come when Nabíl’s unique narrative of its beginnings in the darkest Persia will interest many readers. The record which he sets down with such devoted care is in many respects extraordinary. It has its thrilling passages, and the splendor of the central theme gives to the chronicle not only great historical value but high moral power. Its lights are strong; and this effect is more intense because they seem like a sunburst at midnight. The tale is one of struggle and martyrdom; its poignant scenes, its tragic incidents are many. Corruption, fanaticism, and cruelty gather against the cause of reformation to destroy it, and the present volume closes at the point where a riot of hate seems to have accomplished its purpose and to have driven into exile or put to death every man, woman and child in Persia who dared to profess a leaning towards the teachings of the Báb.

Nabíl, himself a participant in some of the scenes which he recites, took up his lonely pen to recite the truth about men and women so mercilessly persecuted and a movement so grievously traduced.

He writes with ease, and when his emotions are strongly stirred his style becomes vigorous and trenchant. He does not present with any system the claims and teaching of Bahá’u’lláh and His Forerunner. His purpose is the simple one of rehearsing the beginnings of the Bahá’í Revelation and of preserving the remembrance of the deeds of its early champions. He relates a series of incidents, punctiliously quoting his authority for almost every item of information. His work in consequence, if less artistic and philosophic, gains in value as a literal account of what he knew or could from credible witnesses discover about the early history of the Cause. 1

  1. Zarandí, Nabíl. The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá’í Revelation. 1953. Translated by Shoghi Effendi, Reprint 1975, Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1975, xxi. [return]