A Global Initiative to Turn from Emergency to Emergence

Fellow Steward of the Earth:

You may think this is just a chain letter, but, I assure you, it is a whole lot more!

The climate crisis is accelerating! Globally storms are bigger and stronger; destructive floods, droughts and fires are occurring worldwide; Refugees are escaping starvation and brutality – and are being rejected and returned to dangerous lives; humanity is more divided; national politics are moving towards authoritarianism; a pandemic sweeps the planet.  

Actions to address all of this are completely inadequate. Our leaders, governments and corporations are acting with neither urgency nor collaboration. Self-interest prevails.

Humanity is failing to stop the climate crisis.

It’s now beyond urgent—the planet is screaming for help.

— Greta Thunberg

Globally, all of us must force action at all levels able to make changes happen. Reaching out around the globe is simple today! 62% of all people globally have cell phones; free computer translation to MOST languages is available; a variety of electronic communications apps make it simple.

Immediate ACTION by everyone is essential:

  1. Click this link to access “Resources for Planetary Actions,” a partial listing of organizations already focusing on the climate crisis.
  2. Email those you know about—local or international—to globalrebirth23@gmail.com so we can add them.
  3. Select one (or more) on the list and get involved to make the IMMEDIATE changes we need to both mitigate the consequences of Climate Change and to take care of each other. Invite family and friends to join you!
  4. Target Earth Day 2023 (Saturday, April 22) - a worldwide day of demonstrations and marches—at all local, regional, and international levels—to insist that our governments actively collaborate worldwide AND to highlight all local / national projects.
  5. Send THIS document: “How’s the Weather?” (some translations are available as PDF files here, but please include the English version to ensure consistency) to friends and contacts everywhere who will recognize the urgency and act.

If you’d like to help us with this project, contact us:

(Phone) +1- 614-285-6865 | (E-Mail) globalrebirth23@gmail.com | Join us on Facebook

Hope is belief in the plausibility of the possible as opposed to the necessity of the probable. — Maimonides