Istijlál, 08 Sharaf (Honor), 178 B.E.


First “snow” of the year …

Only a dusting, but enough for a photographic study in contrasts!


Began formalizing “libraries” on and Zotero for easier development of bibliographies in support of current and upcoming research and writing projects. I am considering scanning some books to Internet Archive so they are publicly accessible, but I don’t know what that entails—more information needed!

Initiated tweaking the format of entries to my “Daily Log” category for consistency and maintenance of links between Ulysses “callback URLs” for drafts and URLs for the final postings.

Staged source materials for the “tractor book” so I can sort through them more carefully, develop scenarios for moving forward with the project, and determine how much of what, exactly, I can commit to do. I’m already feeling overwhelmed with almost any route I propose :-(


Another diorama by Astral Prospecting — WOW!

Astral Prospecting on Instagram and Astral Prospecting on Facebook

Marc Bosserman on Instagram Marc Bosserman on Facebook, and Marc Bosserman Music and Musings on YouTube

Tab’s Galaxy on YouTube


The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh has ushered in the Day of God foretold by all the Prophets of the past. So vast has been the outpouring of this Revelation, extending over a period of forty years, that any attempt to describe it must resemble an attempt to place an ocean within a cup. Moreover, His Revelation is possessed of such a potency that to try to fathom its significance or to probe its hidden mysteries is an act beyond the capacity of mortal men.

This puts into perspective the attempt made by the author of these four volumes to capture glimpses of this mighty Revelation and present them to the readers, while knowing only too well how difficult the task is and how inadequately he has treated the subjects. Indeed, all that has been described in these volumes is the outcome of skimming the surface of a tiny part of a boundless ocean.

This fourth volume covers the most momentous period in the ministry of Bahá’u’lláh, a period during which His Revelation reached its climax, and His own Person after years of exile and imprisonment, majestically ascended the throne of His sovereignty in a delightful Mansion designated by Him as ‘the most sublime vision of mankind’. 1

  1. Taherzadeh, Adib. The Revelation of Baháʼuʼlláh: Mazra’ih & Bahjí, 1877-92. 1987. Reprint, vol. 4, George Ronald, 1988, xix. [return]