Fidál, 16 Qawl (Speech), 178 B.E.


Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) seed pods


Went for an afternoon walk with the granddaughter on a cold, cloudy day — no golfers to greet ;-)


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Caught his first rainbow trout

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Tab’s Galaxy on YouTube


The materials gathered together in this book are intended to stimulate study of Bahá’u’lláh’s Book of Certitude, the Kitáb-i-Íqán. 1 With repeated use in classes, they have evolved over a number of years into their present form which, it is hoped, will prove useful for both individual and group study.

In the future undoubtedly whole volumes will be compiled drawing together information of this sort. If, for the present, these notes assist the student of the Íqán to acquire a broader vision of its fundamental themes and truths and prove a convenient point of reference for explanations not always at hand, they will have served their intended purpose.

Whatever help notes of this kind may offer, ultimately, of course, the Íqán speaks for itself. It is its own great expounder. The verses themselves illumine each other and the reader. May eager explorers of the Íqán’s luminous expanse be guided by it towards the sublime heights of certitude and positive knowledge which it reveals.


My sister and brother-in-law recently relocated and chose to donate several books in their library rather than move them. Many of these volumes are not well-known, but due to the topics they cover and the manner in which their authors explore them, they warrant a nod of recognition before being sent on their way. Accordingly, most quotes referenced in the “Quoted” section come from these books. Maybe they will stir (or renew) your interest, too.

  1. Bahá’u’lláh. The Kitáb-i-Íqán: The Book of Certitude. Translated by Shoghi Effendi. 1st pocket-size Ed. 1950. Reprint, Wilmette, Ill: Baháʾí Publishing Trust, 1983. [return]
  2. Dunbar, Hooper. A Companion to the Study of the Kitáb-i-Íqán. 1st ed, George Ronald, 1998, ix. [return]