17 November 2021
’Idál, 15 Qudrat (Power), 178 B.E.
Early morning …
Stormy clouds rolling in …
Ordered and picked up containers from IKEA — now, to use them ;-)
Conferred with long time colleague about the pros and cons of the book project. I’m leaning towards a firm commitment to do it since it will help me stay on task with other activities I need to address.
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On the face of it, spiritualizing the planet and unifying humankind seem impossible. But that is what Bahá’ís are charged with doing. Certainly it is fair for objective social observers to doubt that the Bahá’ís will realize their goals. After all, every attempt in the past has failed. Human nature seems unchangeable. Even the worlds superpowers, with their vast material resources, don’t dare undertake what the Bahá’ís are attempting. And during their weaker moments, some believers wonder about their religion’s capability to carry out such a mighty enterprise. It isn’t that they don’t believe in Bahá’u’lláh, but, on analysis, they deduce that the Bahá’ís are really insignificant in the world — actually puny in terms of human power and wealth. So some silently subscribe to the belief that God will have to intervene directly through some extraordinary event for the planet to be spiritualized and its inhabitants united. A reasonable assumption — but a dangerous one, because waiting for the ‘apocalypse’ kills enthusiasm for teaching. So much energy is committed to discerning the signs of the pending cataclysm, that there is very little left for sharing the Message of Bahá’u’lláh with others. Besides, one could rationalize, ‘Why bother to teach when everything is going to cave in?’
Certainly, we know that ‘He doth whatsoever He willets, and ordained that which He pleaseth.’ 1 But we can’t predict what He will do. Nothing we try can alter that. According to Shoghi Effendi, there is that which God is doing and that which He has directed us to do through Bahá’u’lláh. 2 We can’t assist God in carrying out the plan He has chosen to unfold alone. What we are supposed to be doing is to fulfill the divine plan which is part of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation. Bu following it, much will be achieved in spiritualizing and unifying the human family. 3
My sister and brother-in-law recently relocated and chose to donate several books in their library rather than move them. Many of these volumes are not well-known, but due to the topics they cover and the manner in which their authors explore them, they warrant a nod of recognition before being sent on their way. Accordingly, most quotes referenced in the “Quoted” section come from these books. Maybe they will stir (or renew) your interest, too.
Baháʼuʼlláh. Gleanings from the Writings of Baháʼuʼlláh. Translated by Shoghi Effendi. Rev Ed. Wilmette, Ill: Baháʼí Publishing Trust, 1952.
[return]- Effendi, Shoghi. Citadel of Faith: Messages to America, 1947-1957. Wilmette, Ill: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1997, 139-140. https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/shoghi-effendi/citadel-faith/5#591755996 [return]
- Rutstein, Nathan. Teaching the Bahá’í Faith: Spirit in Action. 2nd reprint, G. Ronald, 1990, 8-9. [return]