Jalál, 04 Qudrat (Power), 178 B.E.

Birth of the Báb



Took granddaughter for a walk–a BEAUTIFUL afternoon–the last one before Daylight Savings Time ends :-(


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In the early spring of 1906, the Executive Committee of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions requested me [Samuel M. Zwemer] to write a text-book on Mohammedanism, suitable for use in the mission study classes of the college and universities. This volume, under the title Islam: A Challenge to Faith, was published in the autumn of 1907. In the preface I wrote:

There is no lack of literature on Mohammed and Islam, as is very evident from the very extensive bibliography of the subject in all the languages in Europe, not to speak of the literature written by Moslems themselves. But at the same time there is great ignorance even among cultured people of the real character of Mohammed and the real doctrine and moral value of Islam, as well as of its wide-spread aggressive power as a missionary religion. To present the subject anew needs no apology, especially since much of the best literature on Islam is inaccessible to most readers, being in a foreign language.

This book lays no claim to originality save in the form in which the result of the labors of others in this wide field are presented. The bibliographies given for each chapter show the sources of information. The purpose of this book is to present Islam as a challenge to the faith and enterprise of the Church. It has a message for those who believe the gospel and believe that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth—to this Mohammedan no less than to the heathen.


My sister and brother-in-law recently relocated and chose to donate several books in their library rather than move them. Many of these volumes are not well-known, but due to the topics they cover and the manner in which their authors explore them, they warrant a nod of recognition before being sent on their way. Accordingly, most quotes referenced in the “Quoted” section come from these books. Maybe they will stir (or renew) your interest, too.

  1. Zwemer, Samuel M. The Moslem World. Jennings & Graham, 1908, xi-xii. https://archive.org/details/moslemworld00zwemgoog/page/n16/mode/2up?ref=ol&view=theater [return]