239 Days in America, Day 16: April 26, 1912 | Washington, DC
A Trip Through New York City, 1911 1
The following eight-minute film [1911 - A Trip Through New York City from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)]… The speed of the film has been corrected to smooth over the jerky motion commonplace in old silent movies, and a tapestry of sound has been added to produce a faithful representation of life in New York in the early century.
Washington D. C. 2
Among the visitors on Friday morning, April 26, was Lee McClung, the Secretary of the Treasury if the United States. Later ‘Abdul-Bahá addressed the ladies of President Taft’s All Saints [Souls] Unitarian Church, the room was completely filled. After the daily Parsons’ reception, He took a walk in the park. That evening He spoke to another capacity crowd, in one of the largest halls in Washington—the Continental Hall of the Daughters of the American Revolution—sharing the platform with Samuel Gompers, the president of the American Federation of Labor, Benjamin Trueblood, secretary of the American Peace Society, and A. C. Monohan [Arthur Coleman Monahan] of the United States Bureau of Education.
Abdul-Bahá, Who kept the friends in the Holy Land and Persia apprised of the activities through frequent cablegrams, cabled, “‘This day three thousand persons were interviewed in the utmost harmony.’”
“Remembering those who looked into His eyes” 3
- Menon, Jonathan. “A Trip Through New York City, 1911.” 239 Days in America, April 26, 2012. https://239days.com/2012/04/26/a-great-harvest-of-results/. [return]
- Ward, Allan L. 239 Days: ʻAbdu’l-Bahá’s Journey in America. Wilmette, Ill: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1979, 45. [return]
- Van Ness, Zabine. “Remembering Those Who Looked into His Eyes: Abdul Baha’s Visits with Some Influential Dignitaries, April 11th to December 5th, 1912.” PDF, Seattle, WA, 2012, 26.https://hearttoheart.co/PDFs/Abdul-Baha_and_his_various_visitations.pdf. [return]